General information
Model 2126
Generation 2126 4x4
Modification (Engine) 1.6 (73 Hp)
Start of production 1997 year
End of production 2005 year
Powertrain Architecture Internal Combustion engine
Body typeHatchback
Seats 5
Doors 5
Performance specs
Fuel Type Petrol (Gasoline)
Acceleration 0 - 100 km/h15 sec
Acceleration 0 - 62 mph15 sec
Acceleration 0 - 60 mph 14.3 sec
Maximum speed 157 km/h 97.56 mph
Engine specs
Power 73 Hp
Power per litre 46.6 Hp/l
Torque 116 Nm 85.56 lb.-ft.
Engine location Front, Longitudinal
Engine displacement 1568 cm3 95.69 cu. in.
Number of cylinders 4
Position of cylinders Inline
Number of valves per cylinder 2
Fuel System Carburettor
Engine aspiration Naturally aspirated engine
Valvetrain OHC
Space, Volume and weights
Trunk (boot) space - minimum 300 l 10.59 cu. ft.
Trunk (boot) space - maximum 958 l 33.83 cu. ft.
Fuel tank capacity 45 l 11.89 US gal | 9.9 UK gal
Length 4053 mm 159.57 in.
Width 1660 mm 65.35 in.
Height 1357 mm 53.43 in.
Wheelbase 2470 mm 97.24 in.
Front track 1390 mm 54.72 in.
Rear (Back) track 1380 mm 54.33 in.
Drivetrain, brakes and suspension specs
Drive wheel All wheel drive (4x4)
Number of Gears (manual transmission) 5
Front suspension Spring Strut
Rear suspension Helical spring
Front brakesDisc
Rear brakesDrum
Assisting systemsABS (Anti-lock braking system)
Steering type Steering rack and pinion
Tires size 175/70 R 14