General information
Model D8
Generation D8 GTO
Modification (Engine) GTO Invdividual Series 2.5 TFSI (435 Hp)
Start of production 2022 year
Powertrain Architecture Internal Combustion engine
Body typeRoadster
Seats 2
Doors 2
Performance specs
CO2 emissions (WLTP)191 g/km
Fuel consumption (economy) - combined 8 l/100 km 29.4 US mpg35.31 UK mpg12.5 km/l
Fuel Type Petrol (Gasoline)
Acceleration 0 - 100 km/h2.6 sec
Acceleration 0 - 62 mph2.6 sec
Acceleration 0 - 60 mph 2.5 sec
Acceleration 0 - 200 km/h 7.7 sec
Maximum speed 286 km/h 177.71 mph
Weight-to-power ratio 1.6 kg/Hp, 639.7 Hp/tonne
Weight-to-torque ratio 1.2 kg/Nm, 823.5 Nm/tonne
Engine specs
Power 435 Hp @ 5850-7000 rpm.
Power per litre 175.4 Hp/l
Torque 560 Nm @ 1750-6350 rpm. 413.03 lb.-ft. @ 1750-6350 rpm.
Engine location Front, Longitudinal
Engine displacement 2480 cm3 151.34 cu. in.
Number of cylinders 5
Position of cylinders VR-engine
Cylinder Bore 82.5 mm 3.25 in.
Piston Stroke 92.8 mm 3.65 in.
Compression ratio 10
Number of valves per cylinder 4
Fuel System Direct injection
Engine aspiration Turbocharger, Intercooler
Valvetrain DOHC
Engine systemsParticulate filter
Space, Volume and weights
Kerb Weight 680 kg 1499.14 lbs.
Trunk (boot) space - minimum 250 l 8.83 cu. ft.
Fuel tank capacity 48 l 12.68 US gal | 10.56 UK gal
Length 3836 mm 151.02 in.
Width 1850 mm 72.83 in.
Height 1081 mm 42.56 in.
Wheelbase 2350 mm 92.52 in.
Front track 1560 mm 61.42 in.
Rear (Back) track 1585 mm 62.4 in.
Minimum turning circle (turning diameter) 11.6 m 38.06 ft.
Drivetrain, brakes and suspension specs
Drivetrain Architecture The Internal combustion engine (ICE) drives the rear wheels of the vehicle.
Drive wheel Rear wheel drive
Number of Gears (automatic transmission) 5
Front suspension Double wishbone, Transverse stabilizer
Rear suspension Double wishbone, Transverse stabilizer
Front brakesVentilated discs, 310x24 mm
Rear brakesVentilated discs, 285x24 mm
Assisting systemsABS (Anti-lock braking system)
Steering type Steering rack and pinion
Tires size Front wheel tires: 235/45 R17Rear wheel tires: 245/40 R18
Wheel rims sizeFront wheel rims: 8J x 17Rear wheel rims: 9J x 18